To Jump Ship Or Stay In Your Current Job

This is always a dilemma for most people who secretly harbour thoughts about giving their current job the flick.

Except that it will come at a price.

The first thought that you would have is whether you can afford to hand in your resignation letter.

Perhaps before you get to that stage, ask yourself why you are searching for a new career.

I am sure the list will be as long as your arm and as varied, from I don’t like my boss the slave driver from hell, to perhaps wanting to know if there are things out there you would like to try and don’t want to die wondering.

I welcome your comments as to why you want to start looking around for a new career.

You may be pleasantly surprised to find out that you have options even by staying where you are or conversely, reading my blogs may the kick up the pants you need to make a break for it.

And remember to thank me for that!